St James Centre

St James Centre Case Study


Working within the Derby community the St James Centre specialises in providing day services and short break activities for Disabled Children and Adults. As well as alternative education provisions for disabled children. 

They have been carrying out fantastic work in the community for 30 years and own their building in the heart of Normanton. As well as their day services the St James Centre also has an advice service, parent advice service and support services. 

In conjunction with their own services the St James Centre also rents out part of its building to Derby College. The college delivers ESOL classes. Also, the building is leased to Derwent Stepping Stones Nursery which provides a service to the college and to the local community. 

Business Leasing Solution

As part of their important work, the St James Centre needed a specialist wheelchair-accessible vehicle (WAV). Previously they had been using wheelchair-accessible taxis which were causing many problems. These were not fit for purpose and caused safety concerns due to the wheelchair users being side-facing. 

After making an online enquiry, Toomey Leasing Group was able to discuss what was needed and source the charity a WAV very quickly. By having the correct vehicle, wheelchair passengers can come into the centre without being distressed, this helps them engage in further activities. 

St James Centre has much more freedom to get out into the community more often. Ellie Fletcher, operations manager at the St James Centre, said ” we had an excellent experience, a good deal and felt really looked after. We would recommend them to everyone”.

If you would like a bespoke package tailored to your fleet, please contact us on 01332 205828. Alternatively, please complete the form below. 


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    Toomey Leasing Group Ltd, Sheridan House, 11 Vernon Street, Derby, DE1 1FR

    Toomey Leasing Group Ltd. Registered Office: Service House, West Mayne, Basildon, Essex SS15 6RW. A member of MJT Securities Ltd. Registered No: 962747 England VAT Reg Number: 690 6389 96. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as a credit broker. FCA Firm Reference No: 687548. We may receive commission from the finance provider; this can vary and may impact the amount payable by the customer. Toomey Leasing Group Ltd is committed to protecting personal data.

    Toomey Leasing Group is a member of MJT Securities Limited

    Toomey Leasing Group Ltd. Registered Office: Service House, West Mayne, Basildon, Essex SS15 6RW. A member of MJT Securities Ltd. Registered No: 962747 England VAT Reg Number: 690 6389 96. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as a credit broker. FCA Firm Reference No: 687548. We may receive commission from the finance provider; this can vary and may impact the amount payable by the customer. Toomey Leasing Group Ltd is committed to protecting personal data.

    Toomey Leasing Group is a wholly owned subsidiary of MJT Securities Limited.
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